
Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is a global decentralized or over-the-counter market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices.

Forex - Spreads & Trading Conditions
SymbolCategoryLeverageLot SizeMin Lot SizeCommission
AUD/CAD Australasian1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/CHF Australasian1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/JPY Minor1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/NZD Australasian1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/SGD Australasian1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/USD Major1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
AUD/ZAR 1:500100000 AUD0.01$2.5 per $100K
CAD/CHF Minor 1:500100000 CAD0.01$2.5 per $100K
CAD/JPY Minor1:500100000 CAD0.01$2.5 per $100K
CAD/MXN 1:500100000 CAD0.01$2.5 per $100K
CHF/JPY Minor1:500100000 CHF0.01$2.5 per $100K
CHF/NOK Minor1:500100000 CHF0.01$2.5 per $100K
CHF/SGD Australasian1:500100000 CHF0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/AUD Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/CAD Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/CHF Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/GBP Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/HUF Exotic1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/JPY Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/MXN Exotic1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/NOK Scandinavian1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/NZD Minor1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/PLN Exotic1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/RON 1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/RUB 1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/SEK Scandinavian1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/SGD Australasian1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/TRY Exotic1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/USD Major1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
EUR/ZAR Exotic1:500100000 EUR0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/AUD Minor1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/CAD Minor1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/CHF Minor1:500 100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/DKK 1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/JPY Minor1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/NOK Scandinavian1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/NZD Australasian1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/SEK Scandinavian1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/SGD 1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/USD Major1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
GBP/ZAR Exotic1:500100000 GBP0.01$2.5 per $100K
NOK/JPY 1:500100000 NOK0.01$2.5 per $100K
NOK/SEK Scandinavian1:500100000 NOK0.01$2.5 per $100K
NZD/CAD Australasian1:500100000 NZD0.01$2.5 per $100K
NZD/CHF Minor1:500100000 NZD0.01$2.5 per $100K
NZD/JPY Minor1:500100000 NZD0.01$2.5 per $100K
NZD/SGD Exotic1:500100000 NZD0.01$2.5 per $100K
NZD/USD Major1:500100000 NZD0.01$2.5 per $100K
SEK/JPY Minor1:500100000 SEK0.01$2.5 per $100K
SGD/JPY Australasian1:500100000 SGD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/CAD Major1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/CHF Major1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/CNH Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/CZK Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/DKK Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/HUF Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/JPY Major1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/MXN Exotic1:500100000 USD 0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/NOK Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/PLN Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/RON 1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/RUB Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/SEK Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/SGD Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/TRY Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K
USD/ZAR Exotic1:500100000 USD0.01$2.5 per $100K

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